
Glo Bug Yarn

There is 15 feet per bag and the diameter of the yarn is approximately 5/16 of an inch or 8 mm.

Hareline Cactus Chenille Medium

Like Ice Chenille with pearlescent fibers which makes it sparkle.

Harline Cactus Chenille Large

Like Ice Chenille with pearlescent fibers which makes it sparkle.

Hareline Hare's Ear Plus Dubbing

Rabbit and guard hairs make it very spiky along with antron for some added sparkle.

Scientific Anglers Absolute Tippet

Supple material for drag free drifts
Sizes: 7X – 0X
Length: 30m spools in all sizes
Silicone band protects tippet from UV exposure
Patented cutter spool design

Lateral Scale

A single strand will light up your fly.

Nature's Spirit Stimulator Deer Hair

The richly colored hair from the backstrip or mid to late season deer is just right for Stimis. When stacked the barring is amazingly beautiful. Just the right stiffness and compression

Nature's Spirit X-Caddis Deer Hair

This is fairly short and fine hair with just enough compression to create a slightly flared wing. Some what longer tips and less compression than our comparadun hair.